Here at CTM Architectural Ltd. we know that no two projects or clients are alike – and we have the experience & expertise to produce designs that are as individual & unique as you are.
CTM Architectural Ltd is a successful and innovative Pukekohe based architectural design practice founded by principal Craig Mulholland 24 years ago in 2000. Having produced a diverse range of work in the residential, commercial, leisure, local body & government housing (Kainga Ora) sectors, CTM Architectural Ltd is able to offer clients a high level of conceptual design ability, expertise, and technological knowledge. Additionally, Craig’s background with pre-cut, pre-nail, draughting & construction, along with a close affiliation with many local builders, ensure we have the ability to create sound designs & construction documentation that is practical & feasible. |
Exceptional technical planning, the ability to produce preliminary concepts quickly, the option of high quality 3D sketches / renders, plus experienced production of scheme plans & construction documentation means you can be confident of the product you will receive.
Click here to see selected projects created by CTM Architectural Ltd.
Founding principal Craig Mulholland has over 45 years worth of design & draughting experience within the construction industry.
Craigs background started in pre-cutting, pre-nailing, draughting & construction starting with Carter Merchants where he managed the timber treatment plant and participated in Carters extensive trainee management scheme. Next came a pre-cut manager & truss manufacturing contract with Wienk Industries. (Later in his career he would return to this sector for a short period working with Wiri Wholesale Timber as a pre-cut & truss designer including documentation, administration and programming pre-cut/nail plant, including some hands on work in the factory).
He then set up & ran a sole practice in 1983, including a 6 month stint in Norfolk Island where he provided design & draughting services for Local Government. Upon return to NZ and prior to setting up CTM Architectural, Craig also spent 5 years practicing as one of two partners in a busy Pukekohe based architectural design firm specialising in Building & Resource Consents for residential, hospitality, commercial & industrial type buildings.
CTM Architectural Ltd. would begin its life in the year 2000 and it is Craigs background and local reputation that has seen this firm succeed through to present day.
Current registration Licensed Building Practitioner - BP107154 Category 2 Affiliations - industry involvement
Served on Auckland / Northland branch committee for a number of years.
Organizer South area Small Practice Group.
ADNZ member assessor.
In house we have a highly skilled team of five with a diverse range of skills & experience honed to the construction industry. All our designers are competent users of the latest 3D modeling software by ArchiCAD which ensures CTM Architectural Ltd. have the best tools available to develop a project through the various design & documentation stages. Our senior team member qualifications range from BAS & BArch, NZCAD and NDAT. As a team, vast experience and constant up skilling to the changing construction & regulatory environment ensures we can provide an economical and practical solution to a wide scope of project briefs.